Hybrid Reporting

Nested-Materiality and Hybrid Reporting - disclosing insights hidden in your data.

Value Reporting Foundation

... The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) today officially announce their merger to form the Value Reporting Foundation.
The Value Reporting Foundation supports business and investor decision-making....
The Value Reporting Foundation is also committed to the delivery of a more coherent corporate reporting system...
The Value Reporting Foundation is a global nonprofit organization that offers a comprehensive suite of resources...
Go to Value Reporting Foundation

Value Reporting Foundation Home
Long-term Value creation, auditing double-materiality

Two Value Dimensions - Two Value Axis for 'Nested materiality'

Hybrid Reporting new transparency combining any two materialities - even financial and non-financial

Assets under Management and ESG Investment

PwC already carries the key to hybrid reporting in its logo.
Click here for more.

Hybrid Metrics - Business Plan BEconomic

EY has proposal and prototype for Hybrid Reporting since 20 years.
Want what? Go here

double-materiality - Hybrid Reporting

double-materiality - Hybrid Reporting
Thank you for visualizing,
Value Balancing Alliance.
Go to VBA-Website

Hybrid Metrics

Remember Shared Value Initiative 2011?
Hybrid Metrics helps.
Go to SVI and 'Hybrid Metrics' for visualizing 'Hybrid Reporting'

Purpose of 'Project NEMO' (New/Next Economic Model) is to enhance classic economics by
(i) including intangible assets as the common (re)source of welfare and wealth and
(ii) disclosing a vector based hybrid value principle enabling monetary AND nonmonetary dimensions as a compound/hybrid measure.
For that people can make more sustainable decisions.