Hybrid Reporting

Could you imagine an imaginary add-on to traditional Business Administration?

Constrained by accounting rules? - Enhance the traditional Mental Model

... By applying existing technical accounting and Standards to intangibles, decisions to invest into the transition are instead rewarded and encouraged, providing permission to conform with changing social norms. This treatment, developed by Rethinking Capital and Harvard Business School, is called normative accounting for intangibles. It rewards those investments as building new assets on the balance sheet and increasing profitability. Whilst also recognising, on the balance sheet, that an entity has a contingent liability to the public at large....
Source of text: Global Solution Summit 2021


Controllers' framework of classic economics

That's the traditional accounting part.

Missing in classic economic Mental Model

That's the hiden part of 'intangibles'.

Hybrid Economics - combining traditional and imaginary economics

Download the enhanced framework as pdf here.

Hybrid Reporting new transparency combining any two materialities - even financial and non-financial

Assets under Management and ESG Investment

PwC already carries the key to hybrid reporting in its logo.
Click here for more.

Hybrid Metrics - Business Plan BEconomic

EY has proposal and prototype for Hybrid Reporting since 20 years.
Want what? Go here

double-materiality - Hybrid Reporting

double-materiality - Hybrid Reporting
Thank you for visualizing,
Value Balancing Alliance.
Go to VBA-Website

Hybrid Metrics

Remember Shared Value Initiative 2011?
Hybrid Metrics helps.
Go to SVI and 'Hybrid Metrics' for visualizing 'Hybrid Reporting'

Purpose of 'Project NEMO' (New/Next Economic Model) is to enhance classic economics by
(i) including intangible assets as the common (re)source of welfare and wealth and
(ii) disclosing a vector based hybrid value principle enabling monetary AND nonmonetary dimensions as a compound/hybrid measure.
For that people can make more sustainable decisions.