Hybrid Reporting

How to link Stock Exchange with the Energy of/in Enterprise?

Constrained by accounting rules? - Enhance the traditional Mental Value Model

... introducing the principle of 'economic energy' (based in tangible and intangible resources), accounting it in an imaginary Balance Sheet and a imaginary Profit and Loss Statement - combined with introducing a Hybrid Value Metric for monetary and non-monetary value indicators - helps to get tranparency about the integral value generating process from the very base to the price of the shares at Stock Exchange...

Controllers' framework of classic economics

Three focus points.

Missing in classic economic Mental Model

Focus points under the microscope.

Hybrid Economics - combining traditional and imaginary economics

Hybrid Reporting - From Stock Exchange to the Enegy and Power of Enterprise

Hybrid Reporting - Transparent logic from Economic Energy to Stake- and Shareholder-Value

1st Stock Exchange and Shareholders

1st Stock Exchange and Shareholders

Hybrid Metrics - Business Plan BEconomic

Tangible/material value on time axis

implicit axis for economic energy

Introducing an 'intangible'/immaterial'/'implicit' Value Axis for 'Economic Energy'

Hybrid Value Metrics

Hybrid Value Metrics for Real Enterprise Value and Shareholders Profit Expectation

2nd Enterprise (Form and Content)

2nd Enterprise (Form and Content)

Classic Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement

Classic Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement

Imagine an additional Balance Sheet and a P&L Statement for intangible/immaterial assets

Imagine an additional Balance Sheet and a P&L Statement for intangible/immaterial assets

Combining metrics of these two asset classes in two value dimensions

Combining metrics of these two asset classes in two value dimensions

3rd Management and Communication

3rd Management and Communication

How to show the power of enterprise to shareholder?

How to show the power of enterprise to shareholder?

Hybrid Value development over several years - Hybrid Reporting

Hybrid Value development over several years.

Purpose of 'Project NEMO' (New/Next Economic Model) is to enhance classic economics by
(i) including intangible assets as the common (re)source of welfare and wealth and
(ii) disclosing a vector based hybrid value principle enabling monetary AND nonmonetary dimensions as a compound/hybrid measure.
For that people can make more sustainable decisions.